Have you ever wanted to make more money while traveling? It is possible to do it, but you need to be savvy and employ certain techniques to make this viable. You don’t want to spend your valuable traveling time wasting money on schemes that won’t work!
If you are going to be away for a while, renting your home
is one of the best ways to make a decent chunk of income. Make sure that you
use a reputable agent to handle things for you, especially if you will be out
of easy contact at times. Airbnb offers some great options and insurance for
You can ship products from pretty much anywhere in the world, so if you’ve got items that you can sell, why not sell them? As long as you have the products to hand (or the materials for making them if you’re going to be crafting), this is a great way to earn some pocket money.
Like renting your home, renting out a vehicle that you don’t
need can earn you money. It also means that your car isn’t standing and
rusting, and is being looked after. Try Turo, which offers protections to
ensure that this goes smoothly.
If you’re traveling somewhere interesting, why not write
about it? There are many niche topics surrounding travel, and lots of people
are interested in learning more about traveling!
Learning how to book cheap flight tickets and either booking
early or very late is a great way to reduce your travel costs.
Have you ever learned anything about the stock exchange? You
can be trading in stocks without having to lift a finger if you know what
you’re doing.
Traveling heavy doesn’t go well with cheap fares, and it’s
also inconvenient, so try downsizing your life. What do you really need? Sell
or swap anything that doesn’t make the cut!
If your work can be done remotely, freelancing is a great
way to bring in a steady income. Many platforms, such as Fiverr, now exist for
this purpose.
Do you have a great eye for a photo? Your pictures could be
worth money, but make sure they are high quality if you want to sell them!
Despite the power of the internet, some things still can’t
be got in certain areas – and people are always looking for those who can bring
these things along. Services like Roadie are great for anyone taking a road
trip who can also transport a few parcels to eager recipients.
Offering to become a brand ambassador won’t work for everyone,
but it can be a great way to pick up some free gear and get sponsorship in some
cases. If you already run a successful blog, this is more likely to work.
Seasonal workers are staples in many countries, and if you enjoy a bit of manual labor, picking fruits, vegetables, or flowers can be a great way to earn some cash.
Could you sell? If you’ve got a slick pitch, find out what
local products you can pick up a commission on.
If you’re good with kids, working at a summer camp can be a great way to enjoy a new culture.
Is someone you know also traveling? If so, house-sitting for
them can be a great arrangement that will save you money on lodgings and may
even come with pay.
Don’t waste money on fancy hotels; hostels are far cheaper
and tend to be better for regular travelers.
It’s a good idea to seek out local places where meals are
likely to be less expensive. You may also hear about job offers here!
If you have any skills like this, you can offer them to
locals or others staying in your hostel. Make sure you are good enough to
satisfy your customers, though!
Some jobs specifically want to hire foreigners for an
outsider’s take, so see if your own workplace or ones in your destination
country would be interested in this.
You can find work exchanges by searching online, and sites
like HelpX are designed to help workers find jobs that will suit them. A lot of
positions are for volunteering only, but this is a wonderful way to get free
accommodation, food, and sometimes finances.
This definitely isn’t for everyone, but if you want to spend a couple of years volunteering and traveling, joining the Peace Corps is a great way to do it, and can involve life-changing experiences.